Mount the front wheels onto the wheel hubs, then screw the lug nuts into place by hand. Lower the wheels to the ground and remove the jack. Tighten the lug nuts to 47 foot-pounds using a torque wrench.
Note:Be sure there is no trailing slash on the directory, which may be added if you use tab completion. When there’s a trailing slash,rsyncwill dump the contents of the directory into the mount point instead of transferring it into a containingmysqldirectory: sudorsync-av/var/...
After the hard reset,username(=admin) andpassword(=password) have changed to factory default, which you’ll need to login. Once logged in, go to “Advanced”“Administration”“Backup Settings”“Browse” and select the settings backup file you madebeforeyou flashed DD-WRT and click the “Res...
Go Rack Mount Rendernodes if: You need a lot of nodes (10 or more) If you have little space available If you want access to server-grade hardware (e.g., AMD Epyc, Intel Xeon, 8-GPU Rigs, and so on) Where to place your Render Farm / Rendernodes? There are two main factors that...
Chuck installed the button mount, then pulled the steering wheel off the car to ground the switch to the back of the wheel. Chuck made this installation super-trick by digging into the wiring schematic for the 2011 Mustang and wiring the activation button into the clockspring connector. There...