Clean bottom of the tank and flapper area and replace flapper. To determine which size flapper you need, please click here:Determine size of toilet flapper. If you need a 2″ flapper, we recommend the502 flapper; if you need a 3 ” flapper, we recommend either the513A flapperor the5403...
A toilet flapper is one of those "out of sight, out of mind" items that you may never think about—unless it starts to fail. This water-controlling device regulates flow from the toilet tank into the toilet bowl, but even more importantly, it keeps water from leaking into the bowl when...
If it looks like the water might overflow out of the toilet, Rod suggests taking the lid off the tank as quickly as possible and closing the toilet flapper. The flapper releases water from the tank and into the bowl. It looks like, well, a flapper. If you’re worried that your flush ...
If you're wondering, "Why does my toilet keep running?" we can help. Here's how a toilet works and methods to fix a running toilet.
the only reason I recommend that is because on their website they’ve got a really great how to video. So you can actually see what the Phil Valve is, what the flush valve, the flapper valves, you know exactly what you’re looking at and how to replace it. And it’s ...
Question The flapper on my toilet wither closes too soon or does not close at all, depending on how much I tighten the lock nut on the flush handle. There is no float on the style I have. I have tried replacing the flush handle, but it acts the same way. What am I doing wrong?
Put food coloring in the tank to find where the water is coming out if you can’t figure out where the leak is. To replace the flush valve holding the flapper in place, remove your tank and install a new set of gaskets where the opening feeds into the tank. If the leak is in the...