The tmux terminal multiplexer is often used in remote development, but it has interesting applications for local dev work as well. In this article, I’ll explain what a terminal multiplexer does, show you how to install tmux, run through the basic commands such as starting a tmux session, a...
git clone${PathToOhMyZshPlugin}# 默认是 ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins 接着,修改~/.zshrc文件,声明上述插件: plugins=(zsh-autosuggestions) 最后,使上述修改生效: source~/.zshrc 3. 修改默认SHELL到tmux中 注意这一步如果有sudo权限,可以直接修改系统的...
The default terminal emulator for macOS is calledTerminal. To open this program, access Spotlight by pressingCmd+Spaceon the keyboard and type “Terminal” in the search box. In the search results, click Refer to Apple’sOpen or Quit Terminal on Macguide for additional methods...
Item Management: Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down to move items, F2 to edit, Ctrl+E for external editing, Delete to remove items, and Ctrl+A to select all. Other Functions: Esc to cancel search or hide the window, Ctrl+Q to exit, F5 for the action dialog, Enter to copy and paste items, an...
Unfortunately for me,wgetdoesn’t come installed on a Mac, although the somewhat similarcurlutility does. Translatingwgetoptions tocurloptions was an annoying extra step I didn’t need; the lack of recursive downloads incurlwas a complete showstopper for downloading the HTML documentation. Apple ha...
There are some different command-line and UI tools to connect to the serial port including cu and tmux at the command line, and some UI-based Terminal emulators.such as Decisive Serial or Serial 2. There are other choices. The built-in Terminal app works dine, but doesn’t know from ser...
On Linode’s Ubuntu 20.04 LTS instances, the installation of ssh (client) and sshd (server) takes place when the instance is first started. The instructions that follow are to install the SSH if previously removed, or if a non-Linode installation is used. These instructions check if SSH ser...
3.After successfully booting into the live operating system, you will be presented with an interface that provides the option to"Install Fedora"automatically. Fedora Installation Wizard Alternatively, you have the option (Not Now) to skip the installation and test the operating system in live mode...
To use Tasks 'n Times via the Web-Interface, call the following command from the command line.tnt servethen open the URL it shows you.On Mac and Linux, you can add the --open or -o flag to automatically open your standard browser at the location....