The same approach can be used to select Git Bash as your default shell. When you use this approach, you always have to completely close the terminal by clicking on the trash bin icon and reopening it for the changes to apply. #Changing the default terminal with the Launch Profile icon An...
Powerline is a powerful plugin for Vim which provides status lines and prompts for several other applications, such as Zsh, Bash, Qtile, IPython, tmux, and Awesome. It provides helpful enhancements to Zsh. To install it on Ubuntu and Debian, execute: sudo aptinstallgit-core curl fonts-power...
plugins=( git bashmarks ) # Which plugins would you like to conditionally load? (plugins can be found in ~/.oh-my-bash/plugins/*) # Custom plugins may be added to ~/.oh-my-bash/custom/plugins/ # Example format: # if [ "$DISPLAY" ] || [ "$SSH" ]; then # plugins+=(tmux-...
Initially I did not have access to the conda command in xonsh at all (I use to get access to conda in bash by using eval "$(/home/jrmet/miniconda3/bin/conda shell.bash hook)", but this does not work in xonsh, seems like the eval command does not exist?). By using the conda i...
tmux (short for Terminal MUltipleXer), a simple and modern alternative to the well-known GNU screen, and will enable you to access and control a number of terminals (or windows) from a single terminal.
However, you must install the dependencies to run the bot.Pro Tip If you are in a team environment and are continuously updating the Discord bot, we recommend creating a Git repository to simplify the development process. Read our Git tutorials to learn more about it....
TMUX to the rescue. TMUX allows us to keep running our sessions even after we leave the terminal window. It also helps with a lot of other things but I will just go through the steps we need. First, we stop our app usingCtrl+Cand installtmux ...
Use Homebrew to install a package As a basic example, let’s try installingwgetwith Homebrew. First, launch Terminal. The installation command is just as listed in the image above:brew install wget. On my machine, it produced the rather lengthy output below. Note that the installation began ...
Configuration for tools and user environment files work the best for this type of a solution. Things like customizations for vim, emacs, screen, tmux, bash, etc. are great candidates for this type of configuration. Generally, a good rule of thumb is that any “dotfile” (...
p7zip-full repo# Optional tools that are useful in development environmentsbuildah run$containerapt-get install --yes tree tmux buildah run$containerapt-get clean This code installed the typical dependencies that Yocto requires plus some other tools I normally use. (For example, I love tree.) ...