Cartilage mechanobiology: How chondrocytes respond to mechanical loaddoi:10.1016/B978-0-12-812952-4.00004-0Gilbert, Sophie J.Mechanobiology in Health and Disease
Be wary of any messages that are alarmist, warning you to call them quickly to resolve an “issue” on your account.How to avoid this scam: If you receive a suspicious invoice or money request, don’t pay it. And don’t call any phone numbers stated in the invoice note or open ...
International institutions should be as equal as they claim to be, especially since many of them assert superordinate normative authority based on having egalitarian governance structures. However, when defining equality with respect to states' real-world influence in determining substantive outcomes, it ...
Background Several studies have shown that involving patients in their medical care results in a better outcome and greater satisfaction with care (1,2). However, few studies focus on the patients’ perspective of the actual health service delivery. The patient experience starts from the time of...
There is a role for Asia's financial sector to play to address the challenges associated with the region's changing demographics and infrastructure investment needs. Enhancing financial innovation and integration in the region could facilitate intra-regional financial flows and mobilize resources from ...
Three correlational studies and one experiment examined self-verification versus self-enhancement in a posthumous context. In Study 1, in two samples (combined N = 3029) modal responses suggest a desire to be remembered as one really is, far into the future. Studies 2 (N = 92) and 3 (N...
These pathologic alterations in alveolar mechanics (i.e. dynamic change in alveolar size and shape with each breath) predispose the lung to secondary ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI). It is our viewpoint that the acutely injured lung can be recruited and stabilized with a mechanical breath ...
How the white tiger lost its color, but kept its stripes颜色黑素细胞白虎条纹哺乳动物颜料颗粒微观尺度黑色素XU XiaoCollegeLUO Shu-Jinof中国科学
We explored the effects of female size, male age, and the presence of a sand hood at the burrow entrance on distance travelled during courtship. Males took greater risks to court larger females, but did not adjust risk-taking according to their age (expected future reproduction) or whether ...
And this conclusion seems inescapable if we accept, as most soft determinists have done, somekind the reality of both past and future must be acknowledged by all determinist^'^, then this Inmy argument, I take as my point of departure adefinition of 'determinism' roughly of thedoi:10.1080...