node.js installed Tailwind CSS You can check how to install Tailwind CSS in vue.js from the below link How To Add Tailwind CSS n Vue.js Create Vue.js Project To create a Vue.js app, use the following command in the terminal vue create vuealertmsg Install daisyUI Install daisyUI using ...
In this article, I will guide you on How to use Range picker in Vue.js Prerequisites node.js installed Tailwind CSS You can check how to install Tailwind CSS in vue.js from the below link How To Add Tailwind CSS n Vue.js Create Vue.js Project To create a Vue.js app, use the ...
Once the installation is complete you will be given directions to change into the directory containing your newly created Vue3 application. Once you are in that directory you can install all necessary dependencies by running the command: npm install Now we need to add TailwindCSS to our Vue3 a...
In order to check the result in the browser you first need to start up the development web server by using npm run dev command: Then you can access the application’s output in the browser. You should be able to the an output like the following where the Tailwind CSS classes have been...
npm create vue@3 vue-tailwind Running this command gives you an interactive scaffolding experience, allowing you to choose the packages your app will need. You can also save the configuration as a preset for future projects. Next, change the directory to the project folder, and install the nec...
Use Windframe to visually build webpages in minutes using tailwind css. Generate HTML, Angular, React, Vue code for your websites on the fly and spend less time centering divs 🙂 Try it Previous How to install and set up Tailwind CSS in a Next.js project ...
npm install watchand add the watch script to your package.json file. You already had build:css from before, we just add a script that watches the layouts folder and runs build:css upon every change:"scripts": { "build:css": "postcss src/tailwind.css -o static/dist/tailwind.css", "...
npm install @supabase/supabase-js And that’s it! Create a newsletter subscription form with Tailwind So I mentioned earlier that I built a newsletter subscription form with these 3 tools that I’ve just set up, here’s how: First, in App.vue, update the template to show this Tailwind...
In case of Tailwind.css usage - you have to install it as specified in the nuxt-tailwind docs: and then simply use the SCSS syntax, for example, to @apply tailwind classes inside your custom class like so: .main-button { @apply px-4 } 👍 3 valdo...