Install the Supabase package and the dotenv package with pip install supabase and pip install python-dotenv, respectively.2. Create a .env file with two lines, one being your SUPABASE_ANON_KEY=... value and the other being your SUPABASE_URL=... value.3. Initialize the Supabase client in ...
Install the Supabase package and the dotenv package with pip install supabase and pip install python-dotenv, respectively.2. Create a .env file with two lines, one being your SUPABASE_ANON_KEY=... value and the other being your SUPABASE_URL=... value.3. Initialize the Supabase client in ...
npm install --save-dev @commitlint/cli@latest @commitlint/config-conventional@latest husky@latest Initialize Husky in your project to set up the basic configuration. npx husky-init && npm install Add hooks to automate linting and type checking before each commit, and customize your commit message...
Have you heard about k-pop, wait, I mean our new Remix Stacks template the K-pop Stack. It combines Remix, Supabase, Tailwind, and more to give you a note creation app with auth to help jump start your own Remix creation.Like what you see? You can check out the code and clone ...
First thing you have to do to add Prisma is to include prisma in your dev dependencies:npm install -D prismaNow you have access to the Prisma CLI utility by using npx. Try running:npx prismaand you’ll see the instructions on how to use it....
Install Supabase I will assume that you have a Supabase account, if you don’t you can create one if you need a simple database solution for your projects. Adding Supabase to any project is pretty straightforward as you’ll see shortly. Just run the command below: npm install @supabase/su...
To deploy your application to Firebase Hosting, you first need to install the Firebase CLI and initialize Firebase Hosting in your project directory. Then, you can build your React application and deploy it to Firebase Hosting using the Firebase CLI. Once your application is deployed, you can ...
There's supposed to be some shim code that fixes this automatically, let me check in with some people and get back to you. Hi, thanks for the reply! If I dounset DOCKER_HOSTthen the other tools, e.g. Maven or AWS SAM CLI do not workError: Running AWS SAM projects locally requires...
Self-host Supabase with Docker Apache Tips & Tricks Hosting Websites with Apache Caddy Hosting Websites with Cherokee LAMP Guides Hosting a Website on Ubuntu 18.04 How to Create a LAMP Stack on Linux How to Install a LAMP Stack on Arch Linux How to Install a LAMP Stack on Debian ...
However, many people consider the LEMP Stack to be an even better alternative. A LEMP stack uses the NGINX web server instead of Apache. This guide explains how to install and configure a LEMP stack on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. It also provides some background about the LEMP stack and how it ...