Install packages using pip Now it’s time to install packages such as the flask framework and PyJWT which we will use to build the rest API and other necessary packages for our API project. Create arequirements.txtfile with the following packages. Flask datetime uuid Flask-SQLAlchemy PyJWT C...
Note that because you’re using thesudocommand, you’ll be prompted to provide your root password. Next, make sure you have all of the build requirements installed: Shell $sudoaptinstall-ymakebuild-essentiallibssl-devzlib1g-dev\libbz2-devlibreadline-devlibsqlite3-devwgetcurlllvm\libncurses5-de...
If you need to work with the legacy version of mysqldb, you can install it using the following command: bashCopy code pip install MySQL-python This will install the 1.2.x versions of mysqldb. Be aware that this is a legacy package, and it might not be compatible with the latest version...
SQLITE_PATH: pgAdmin stores user-related data in an SQLite database, and this directive points the pgAdmin software to this configuration database. Because this file is located under the persistent directory/var/lib/pgadmin4/, your user data will not be lost after you upgrade. SESSION_DB_PATH...
Step 1:Installation using pip which is a Python package manager. You can fire the below command on the command prompt for installation. Code: Pip install SQLAlchemy Output: Step 2:Further, there is also an alternative way to install SQLAlchemy using the conda terminal. ...
Step 1: Install PostgreSQL Database on Linux Mint 1.To start off, launch your terminal and update your packages using theapt package manageras shown. $ sudo apt update -y Once the update is complete, proceed to the next step. SincepgAdmin4provides a frontend interface for the management of...
Next, Install Pip using beneath command. $ sudo apt install -y python3-pip Once installed, verify pip version $ pip3 --version pip 24.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.12) $ At the time of writing this post, the latest Python 3 release isPython 3.12.6. To install...
Run the following to install virtualenv using pip: sudo pip install virtualenv Structuring The Application Directory We will use the exemplary name of LargeApp as our application folder. Inside, we are going to have a virtual environment (i.e. env) alongside the application package (i.e. app...
Now you’ll install Python packages and isolate your project code away from the main Python system installation. You’ll do this usingpipandpython. To install Flask, run the following command: pipinstallflask Copy Once the installation is complete, run the following command to confirm the install...
sudo apt install build-essential checkinstall \ libreadline-gplv2-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev \ libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev 2. Navigate to the/usr/srcdirectory and download the Python source code using thewget command. Check the officialPython source code page...