首先给crossover安装程序(实际上为一个shell脚本)赋可执行权限,然后在图形界面下运行即可安装成功 3:安装PL/SQL developer安装程序 安装完crossover后,点击"applications"--"crossover"--"install windows software",勾选"install unsupport software"后点击"next"按钮继续 选择"other installer file"按钮后,浏览pl/sq...
WARNING: This is only a test application for SQL learning. If you are in business production environment, you should not follow this article. 1. How to Install Postgresql? In Linux(Debian), we can install postgresql easily with a line. But be sure your package manager is using a local ...
sudo yum install -y mssql-server After the above install is complete, you are ready to run the SLQ Server setup that allows you to setup the SA password and choose your Edition. Type the below and hit Enter: sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf setup The first option is to enter your Ed...
首先给crossover安装程序(实际上为一个shell脚本)赋可执行权限,然后在图形界面下运行即可安装成功 3:安装PL/SQL developer安装程序 安装完crossover后,点击"applications"--"crossover"--"install windows software",勾选"install unsupport software"后点击"next"按钮继续 选择"other installer file"按钮后,浏览pl/sq...
MySQL is an open-source database management system. CentOS 7 prefers MariaDB, a fork of MySQL managed by the original MySQL developers and designed as a repl…
To log in with peer authentication, you’ll need a Linux user with the same name as your Postgres role and database. If you don’t have a matching Linux user available, you can create one with theaddusercommand. You will have to do this from your non-rootaccount withsudoprivileges (me...
1.2.1) Testing the connection using sqlcmd: To test the connection using SQLCMD you will first need to install it: Install SQL Server command-line tools on Linux - SQL Server | Microsoft Docs Once the tool is installed, you can can connect to one of your ...
Applies to: SQL Server - LinuxThis article describes how to configure the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) on Linux.Anteckning MSDTC on Linux is supported on SQL Server 2017 starting with cumulative update 16.OverviewDistributed transactions are enabled on SQL Server on Linux by...
I use all my data tools (Python, SQL, Jupyter, etc.) on Ubuntu – which is a Linux operating system – and I suggest you do the same. My personal computer is a Mac, but you can have a PC too. In this case it doesn’t really matter, becausewe won’t install Ubuntu on our com...
Driver = ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server Server = [protocol:]server[,port] # # Note: # Port is not a valid keyword in the ~/.odbc.ini file # for the Microsoft ODBC driver on Linux # You can optionally specify the protocol and port to connect to the server. For example, Server = ...