Install pfSense onto it. You'll basically have a router. the first interface is the WAN (if you set the first adapter as external when you added them to the VM) or "the internet" you could say. While the private switch is the second interface or your local (private) LAN. Now any ...
The Windows experience out of the box on the UBook was very impressive. I found the screen auto rotation and on screen keyboard to be close to as intuitive as what I was accustomed to from my years of iPad usage. The voice dictation and keyboard autocorrect\predictive text was also fairly ...
Booting into pfSense It is now time to boot pfSense for the first time. Make sure your null modem cable is connected and fire up your terminal (hyperterminal, PuTTY, etc). Like before, connect at 9600 8N1 and turn on the Firebox. After the POST, you will see pfSense begin to boot, ...
Add two LEGACY (key point) network adapters to it, attach the first to the external and the second to the private.Install pfSense onto it. You'll basically have a router. the first interface is the WAN (if you set the first adapter as external when you added them to the VM) or "...
Add two LEGACY (key point) network adapters to it, attach the first to the external and the second to the private.Install pfSense onto it. You'll basically have a router. the first interface is the WAN (...
Install pfSense onto it. You'll basically have a router. the first interface is the WAN (if you set the first adapter as external when you added them to the VM) or "the internet" you could say. While the private switch is the second interface or your local (private) LAN. Now any ...
When I need a fully portable environment and don't want to mess with manual IP assignment - I just setup a really small VM running pfsense.That little VM router gives me DHCP in my internal or private virtual switch and routing, plus full routing rules if I so choose....