# 首先要sudo apt install patchelf,以下两种方法实际上都是用了这个工具。# 1. 使用现成的glibc_run.sh,脚本中含有patch待调试程序的功能。$ ./glibc_run.sh 2.25 [exe]# 2. 直接使用patchelf$ patchelf --set-interpreter [path_to_ld] [exe] 文件patch好以后,只要在执行或者调试时设置LD_PRELOAD指向相应...
If you have a pre-existing binary, you can also use the patchelf program to insert a different runtime library search path, but it’s generally better to do this at compile time. 如果你有一个现有的二进制文件,你也可以使用patchelf程序来插入一个不同的运行时库搜索路径,但通常最好在编译时进行...
Finally, install patchelf withpip install patchelf For people who installed these libraries to the non-base conda environment and have to batch script on a cluster machine: you might want to add this to your.bashrc. Note howCPATHcomes afterconda activate ...
If you have a pre-existing binary, you can also use the patchelf program to insert a different runtime library search path, but it’s generally better to do this at compile time. 如果你有一个现有的二进制文件,你也可以使用patchelf程序来插入一个不同的运行时库搜索路径,但通常最好在编译时进行...
For now I have converged on using patchelf. The solution is based onHow can I change the filename of a shared library after building a program that depends on it? Installpatchelfon your linux build host. In my case it's ubuntu, so ...
pip3 install --upgrade pip 1.4 others yum install -y perl-Digest-SHA yum install -y glibc-static libstdc++-static 2 install prerequisites yum install -y autoconf automake bubblewrap bzip2 make git curl unzip yum install -y patch #deb: patchelf ...
aptinstallpython3-pip-ypip3installauditwheel patchelf-wrapper Build the Python wheel file and repair it withauditwheel. Only the manylinux-supported wheel file can be uploaded to PyPI. python3 setup_setuptools.py bdist_wheel auditwheel repair wheelhouse/{*.whl}--platmanylinux2014_$(uname-m) ...
tiff2pdf tset xzcat bzless convert-caffe2-to-onnx gencfu icuinfo lzcmp pal2rgb python3.9 tiff2ps unlz4 xzcmp bzmore convert-onnx-to-caffe2 gencnval idle3 lzdiff patch python3.9-config tiff2rgba unlzma xzdec captoinfo cph gendict idle3.9 lzegrep patchelf python3-config tiffcmp unxz...
As the location of the library has changed, auditwheel uses the patchelf tool under the hood to change the library link in the binary from an absolute system path to a path relative to the binary as the wheel will be extracted to any location on installation....
does that mean that I need to install it as pytroch and not torch? Is this not weird? Note I am running this on an AWS instance p3.2xlarge. This keeps happening when I log out and then go back in that my torch package gets missing...?!?! :/ original post: https://discuss.p...