As with many Windows settings, some optional components in Windows 11 are only available in thelegacy Control Panelinterface. For example, you cannot enable Hyper-V on Windows 11 Professional from the Windows Settings app. You need to open the "Windows Features" dialog box and select one of t...
Installing Remote Server Administration Tools in Windows 11 Launch the Windows 11Settingsapp. SelectAppsfrom the left pane. \n ChooseOptional features. Click in Find a setting Type Optional features If you don't have any Optional features installed, you may not see Optional Features under S...
Different from Windows updates, which are automatically downloaded and installed on the device, optional updates are usually offered non-security patches and new features and need to be installed manually. However, by adding a new policy, named Enable optional updates, Microsoft allows Windows 11 use...
Method 1: Use the Control Panel to turn Windows features on or off The Control Panel in Windows allows you to change various settings on your computer, including adding or removing the optional features. Hence, here are the steps you can follow to turn the Windows on/off using the Control...
Launch the Windows 11Settingsapp. \n SelectAppsfrom the left pane. \n ChooseOptional features. \n . Typethe below command and pressEnterkey. \n \n Get-WindowsCapability -Name RSAT* -Online | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, State ...
Step 3: Go to the Additional updates section from the left pane and click Optional updates. Step 4: Select the drivers or other optional updates that you want to install and click the Download & install button. Step 5: Then Windows 11 will automatically download and install your selected upd...
How to install RSAT in Windows 11 using the Settings app The standard method for installing RSAT on Windows 11 is to use theSettings app. Here's how it works: Open the Settings app. Click theSystemsection on the sidebar. Scroll down and chooseOptional features. ...
Find out how to get Windows 11 from Microsoft. Check your PC’s compatibility against the system requirements to see if you can upgrade to Windows 11.
Step 11: Select the drive or partition where you want to install Windows. You can also create, delete, or format partitions using the options below. Step 12: Click on Next to begin the installation process. Your PC will restart several times during this process. ...
Step 5: ClickNext > Installand then Windows starts downloading and installing Media Feature Pack for Windows 11. After the installation, restart your PC. Tips: If you are using a version of Windows 10 N, go toSettings > Apps > Apps & features > Optional features > Add a feature. Then,...