Tinker Steps:Switch to older version: 8.0-5, Set launch options WINEDLLOVERRIDES=xinput1_4=n,b gamemoderun %command% Rolled back Proton to 8.0-5 to avoid crashing as game starts, now runs perfect with SpecialK (9.0-2 would probably be fine as well). LodMod and many other texture inje...
If you have a Datacolor Spyder colorimeter, you may need to use the older V2.1.2 version. You can download the[color]profiler applicationand install it. You won’t need this application for calibration via DisplayCAL, but installing it will also provide you with the Argyll_V2.1.2 folder. ...
Tinker Steps:Switch to experimental, Changed configuration, protontricks Installs:Yes Opens:No I tried three different versions of proton and every configuration option I could find. However the game launches and displays the loading screen for a second and then immediately minimizes. When I attempt...