Remember needing Cygwin back in the day, but after using it to my only occasion forgot the software-libraries completely? That happened to me. I have installed Windows 7 again, and found my C:\cygwin folder with all the files. Wanted to get rid of it, but no way – a mysterious “pe...
le : Mercredi, 20 Ao?t 2008, 9h33mn 07s > >Objet : installation problem (.\install) > > > > > >Hello Everyone > > > >I tried to install NS [version 2.28] under windows. I followed all the > >instructions of how to install cygwin and how to extract NS files to a > >dire...
FUU (Faster Universal Unpacker) is a GUI Windows Tool with a set of tools (plugins) to help you to unpack, decompress and decrypt most of the programs packed, compressed or encrypted with the very well knowns software protection programs like UPX, ASPack, FSG, ACProtect, etc. The GUI was...