Pale Moon (32-bit) (Windows) SeaMonkey (Windows, macOS) The Shockwave plugin will need permission to run, so don’t forget to click “Allow” or whichever option your browser gives you. If you’d like me to dig up a game from your childhood past that you can’t seem to find, feel...
The Microsoft Dynamics NAV platform Cumulative Updates are made available as single files. To install a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Cumulative Update, you must replace the existing Microsoft Dynamics NAV installation files with the Cumulative Update files. To do this, follow these steps. Step 1: ...
I want to show you, how you create your own development environment for SAPUI5. You will see, that we are going to use some great tools, which are normally known from Java-Development. I will use Windows 7 as operating system. Step 1: Install Java Development Kit (JDK) The JDK is ...
The Microsoft Dynamics NAV platform Cumulative Updates are made available as single files. To install a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Cumulative Update, you must replace the existing Microsoft Dynamics NAV installation files with the Cumulative Update files. To do this, follow these...
Thanks to Spacedman's suggestions, I think I have made some progress. Using the raster package, I can directly read from an netcdf file and plot the contours: library(raster)# Note: ncdf4 may be a pain to install on windows.# Try installing package 'ncdf' if th...
CONSTANTuintWM_NCLBUTTONDOWN=161 CONSTANTuintHTCAPTION=2 [mousedownevent] Post(Handle(this),WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN,HTCAPTION,Long(xpos,ypos)) 1.86ConvertANSItoOemcharacterset [Functiondeclarations] FUNCTIONulongOemToCharA(refstringsource_text,refstringdest_text) LIBRARYuser32.DLL FUNCTIONulongCharToOemA(refstrin...
The only recourse they have is to ask the local sysadmin to install the certs—and who knows whether the admin has either the time or inclination to do so.It’d be really nice if the pine developers would allow a user to specify in his/her .pinerc one or more directories that contain...
I'm giving a talk soon about Laravel and "the enterprise", and the concept of LOC (lines of code) keeps coming up. It turns out that's actua
levert een zegen: Is verfraaid met lantaarns en de gekleurde wimpels de onlangs gehuwde grens, de swan ongelijke vleugel van de gans dubbele vlucht aan vleugel, het gekleurde jaar bindt totaal twee bomen die in één worden gekweekt, stelt de heldere zonlotusbloem en tijd peduncl[transl...
+ arr-diff "^4.0.0" + array-unique "^0.3.2" + define-property "^2.0.2" + extend-shallow "^3.0.2" + fragment-cache "^0.2.1" + is-windows "^1.0.2" + kind-of "^6.0.2" + object.pick "^1.3.0" + regex-not "^1.0.0" + snapdragon "^0.8.1" + to-regex "^3.0.1" + ...