Let’s see how you can install it on Ubuntu 22.04. Checking if already installed Like many distributions, nano comes pre-installed with Ubuntu if you opt to download and install updates during the operating system installation. You can run this command to see if nano is already installed on ...
How to Install NFS Server This section covers the NFS installation and setup on Ubuntu and other Debian-based distributions. OtherLinux distributions, such as Fedora and CentOS or Rocky Linux, feature slightly different command syntax since they use a differentpackage manager. However, the process f...
sudo apt-get install munin Once the package is installed, you only need to make a few changes to get your installation working. Step Two—Configure Munin Start off by opening the main munin configuration file: sudo nano /etc/munin/munin.conf There are a few lines that we have to pay par...
Systemd, a system and service manager, simplifies Ubuntu’s process and service management. Upon Docker installation on Ubuntu, it establishes a systemd unit to oversee the Docker service. Systemd commands can control this unit, offering a convenient method for starting, stopping, and managing Docker...
Install Plex Media Server via APT Command Run the apt update command to reflect the new repository imported before installing Plex: sudoaptupdate Install the Plex Media Server on Ubuntu using the following apt install command: sudoaptinstallplexmediaserver ...
Step 1: Install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 1.To runOdooproperly, you need aPostgreSQL database server, which can be installed from the default repositories as shown. sudo apt update sudo apt install postgresql 2.Once thePostgreSQLinstallation is complete you need to check a few things. During the in...
Aptis a free-software user interface that works with core libraries to handle the setup, upgrade, and removal of software on Linux OSs. Here are the apt command steps to install“Go”onUbuntu 22.04. Step 1: Update system packages As usual, we will first update our system packages repo by...
nano~/.vnc/xstartup Copy Commands in this file are executed automatically whenever you start or restart the VNC server. We need VNC to start our desktop environment if it’s not already started. Add these commands to the file: ~/.vnc/xstartup ...
Learn to install npm on Ubuntu using apt, apt-get, and the command line. Troubleshoot common issues and explore helpful tools like npm-check-updates. Enhance your JavaScript development workflow on Ubuntu with the power of npm.
Since we have a fresh installation of Ubuntu 20.04, we need to update the packages to the latest versions available: sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y 1. Step 2. Install Apache2 We are going to use Apache as a web server in this tutorial. To install it execute the command ...