Planet Zoo: How to rotate objects You can rotate many things in Planet Zoo. Screenshot by Dot Esports To rotate objects inPlanet Zooby90 degrees, select the object and press theZ keyon your keyboard. While this is very practical, you can use more advanced options. And I’m here to sho...
Hard shelters inPlanet Zooprotect the animals in your zoo from the elements, and they’re a place to stay away from prying eyes if their stress level gets too high. However, some animals will require more shelter than others. If you’re struggling to meet the hard shelter requirements inPl...
4.2 billionstruggle to access clean water every day, which they need fordrinking,bathing,washing,growingcropsandrearing animals. That’s why those of us that have access to these precious resources should be careful not to waste them.
After using Checkpoint’s lesson, Miss Wilkins added, “I think they’re using conservation more confidently. I think it [Planet Zoo] will help them, definitely for next term, and they’ll be able to express themselves.” Ian Redmond, OBE and conservationist (BBC & Dis...
5. Don't forget to place donation boxes (Image credit: Frontier) Money, money, money. How can your guests show how much they appreciate your zoo unless you give them buckets to chuck their spare change into? Make sure you place enough Planet Zoo donation boxes for your guests to appreciat...
Make a buck from your business, to keep it running! Planet Zoo is a great game when it comes to running your perfect, ideal zoo. But to keep it up and
To fix the terrain modification error inPlanet Zoo, simply turn offSmooth out terrainin the settings. In most cases, this will stop the error from popping up when you try to place a habitat blueprint. If the error persists, it’s probably because there’s a pavement too close to the ha...
Quit and load upPlanet Zoo Several players in Steam and Reddit threads recommended saving the game, quitting, and reloading it to get rid of the error as it worked for them. All you need is a simple restart to help solve the error, so try it. ...
The zookeepers will keep a balanced diet for the animals. Image via Frontier Developments You, as the player, can’t directly feed theanimals: That’s the zookeeper’s job inPlanet Zoo. But you need to place a feeder so they can fill it with food.Open the “Habitat” tab and click ...