Revamped Volume HUD: With iOS 13's improved volume HUD (Heads-Up Display), you can change the volume more easily and without disturbing your content. These are only a few of the numerous undiscovered features and techniques in iOS 13. You could find even more ways to improve your Apple ex...
I am a real estate agent and currently representing the seller regarding a brand new 2020 double-wide home, which he purchased from a distributer and installed per HUD guidelines. Potential buyers are being told by their home inspector that drip edge flashing is missing and needs to be instal...
Option to set the device as an Apple Internal Install (e.g., Metal HUD in any app) SOS Collision enablement Support for running iPad apps on iPhone Customizations can now be applied over Wi-Fi Mobilegestalt file checks can be bypassed Non-gestalt tweaks no longer require a mobilegestalt file...
I'm looking for some assistance on converting JPG images to ICON format on my Windows 11 PC. I need to create custom icons for a project, but I'm not sure of the best tools or methods to accomplish this. If anyone has experience with this conversion or knows of any free ...
Install-Module -Name PnP.PowerShell Register-PnPManagementShellAccess The Register-PnPManagementShellAccess will open a web browser where you will need to authorize the managment shell app. When this screen appears click the Accept button. You can also choose if you have the proper rights to auth...
sudo apt-get install classicmenu-indicator To start using the menu, go to Dash or HUD and enter:classicmenu-indicator. The menu will appear off the top panel bar, as a drop-down from the little round Ubuntu symbol in the top center of this screen shot. The ...
To start, make sure you opensomefiles in Photoshop (though note that you don’t need to open all the files you’re aiming to resize; a random file or an empty canvas will do just fine). As you can see below, I’ve opened a blank document: ...
Some changes were made to make editing them more intuitive and regular. Getting started Tools you will need: ArcadeZero v4 or later, or any forks of ArcadeZero v4. A sufficiently good IDE / text editor such as VSCode is recommended. You should also install the "Vscode Arcaea File Format ...
Docker and Docker Compose installed with the instructions fromHow To Install and Use Docker Compose on Ubuntu 14.04 A domain name that resolves to the Droplet for the private Docker registry Step 1 — Installing Package for Added Security
FHA also has a construction-to-permanent loan option. With this land purchasing option, you must start your home construction project immediately. You will have draws just like in the scenario mentioned above. The difference here is that HUD will back the loan. ...