"errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'lambda_function': No module named 'orjson.orjson'" I am not using orjson package. But it still throws error. I tried to install langchain in Ubuntu environment inside Docker. After zipping the data in zip folder and uploading it to the Lambda Lay...
{ 'install': <function task_install at 0x105695940>, 'dev': <function task_dev at 0x105695b80>, 'test': <function task_test at 0x105695af0> } Longer Version I wanted the names of the methods to define CLI task names without having to repeat myself. ./tasks.py #!/usr/bin/env ...
Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task' Cannot convert null to 'int' because it is a value type--need help Cannot convert string[] to string in foreach loop Cannot convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Table.ITableEntity>' to 'Syst...
Running the example hereAdd support for HF Hub download, andpush_to_hub#91 (comment)in dedicated GPU server helped me out a lot to verify that I can get it working with my desired images and the way I install the package. In fact it failed to compile wheel when installing through pip....
hi Paulo, i've the same problem when try to install a module , so how did u solve it please ??!! Erik Wellander Best Answer Unable to get this working. :( Newly installed latest Ubuntu server. Installed openERP from repository as described on download page. ...
AWS Lambda Dockerfile YOLO Table Detection SwagLordDoctorSlimm/urban-broccoli#1 Open I am also interested in how to deploy yolo to aws. If you know the answer, please let us know. here simple dockerfile script if u have any tip u can share to me but best choice it not lambda lol try...
An AWS account will be required to setup and execute the steps in this blog. An AWS Cloudformation template will configure and install the necessary AWS Lambda Function, IAM roles, and Amazon S3 bucket. It is recommended that you work in the Virginia region (us-east-1). Y...
(1) The *compiler* needs to know where the *headers* are located.(2) The *linker* needs to know where the .lib files are located, and the lib file names.These need to be specified in the Project Properties.For (1), go to:
Install Helm 3 to your local environment. Install kubectl to your local environment and connect to your cluster. Create the monitoring namespace on your LKE cluster: kubectl create namespace monitoring Add the stable Helm charts repository to your Helm repos: helm repo add stable https://charts...
Create the vectors of size N and initialize them. Then make a queue with the requiredselector(default/cpu/gpu). Create the buffers for the vectors, and then get the access buffers. You need to create the accessor for the buffers. Next, submit thelambdafunctions and command group handlers ...