The official web-based UI formanaging Kubernetes resourcesisKubernetes Dashboard. It isn't set up by default. Kubernetes applications can be easily deployed using the cli tool kubectl, which allows you to interact with your cloud and manage yourPods, Nodes, and Clusters. You can easily create ...
In this blog we will see how to install Kubernetes on Windows 10 using Docker. This blog also describes the steps required to enable Kubernetes dashboard, the web based user interface to manage Kubernetes cluster.
I can access the dashboard by default by running "kubectl proxy" then visiting thishttp://localhost:8001/uiand I'll get redirected to the dashboard: Now I can run through all the cool Kubernetes tutorials like theGuestbook Kubernetes Sample Applicationfrom the convenience of my Windows 10 mach...
與Kubernetes 叢集互動 Kubernetes 提供一個名為kubectl的命令列工具來管理您的叢集。 您可使用kubectl將命令傳送給叢集的控制平面,或透過 API 伺服器擷取所有 Kubernetes 物件的資訊。 kubectl會使用包含設定資訊的組態檔: Cluster設定會指定叢集名稱、憑證資訊,以及與叢集建立關聯的服務 API 端點。 此定義讓您能夠從單一...
You have two options to create an HPA for your application deployment: Use thekubectl autoscalecommand on an existing deployment. Create a HPA YAML manifest, and then usekubectlto apply changes to your cluster. You’ll try option #1 first, using another configuration from the Di...
kubectl apply -f 此指令會在您的叢集上建立下列物件: 名為test-infra 的命名空間 test-infra 命名空間中名為 echo 的一個服務 test-infra 命名空間中名為...
kubectl config use-contextcontext-name Copy When you are connected to the correct cluster, continue to Step 1 to begin installing Helm. Step 1 — Installing Helm First we’ll install thehelmcommand-line utility on our local machine. Helm provides a script that handles the...
Step 8: Install Linux Desktop Environment LXDE By default, the OS will have only a command-line interface and to give it some Graphical user interface, we need to install it manually. Here we are installing lightweight LXDE for Ubuntu Linux to run GUI on Android phones. ...
Remove the cattle-system namespace where rancher install all its components. kubectl delete ns cattle-system Share Follow answered Jul 27, 2021 at 9:22 Sachin Shaji 4133 bronze badges Add a comment 2 system-tools remove --kubeconfig --namespace I was able to delete the rancher deplo...
chmod +x ./kubectl sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl macOSbrew install kubernetes-cli Windows Note The best version ofkubectlfor Windows will change over time as new versions are released. To find the best current bina...