kali@kali:~$ wget -O install-nethunter-termux https://offs.ec/2MceZWr kali@kali:~$ chmod +x install-nethunter-termux kali@kali:~$ ./install-nethunter-termux That’s it! Set up Metasploit In Kali NetHunter If you want to use Kali NetHunter to its fullest, you will also need to inst...
5)Nowtypechmod 777 install-nethunter-termux Now you have the permission to run the installer 6)Nowtype./install-nethunter-termux The installer is now started 7)Now the installer will download some tools and willstart downloading the Kali-Nethunter OS,nowclick on CTRL+X,this willstop the downlo...
Kali Linux is the most popular penetration testing and security auditing operating system in the world. Thanks to the NetHunter project, it is now possible to install Kali Linux on an Android phone. NetHunter is the mobile version of Kali Linux and designed for Android devices. It’s a powerf...
⚠️If you want to see the information as it was before the update check this out:README_old.md 📚 Index 🏁First steps ⚔️Termux native VS Proot-distro VS Chroot 🐧How to install proot distributions: Alpine, Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, Kali Nethunter, Parrot OS, PostMarket OS ...