世界计划 多彩舞台 音游 游戏 音游 音乐游戏 音乐 pjsk Project SEKAI 水樹嘉健发消息 奏宝真的太可爱啦!!! 我实在拒绝不了这样的女将军 【pjsk/プロセカ】*ハロー、プラネット。 EXPERT FC untitled_dream 560 快来写笔记,记录购物清单赢取现金大奖!
As if it wasn’t odd enough to see a girl trapped in a cage, stranger still, she has wolf ears and a tail. When she finally manages to tell them her name, Sakuraba Iroha, they learn that she’s the girl who was spirited away from town ten years ago. Now more animal than girl,...