The script to install Hyperledger Fabric 2.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 You can get the Another scriptinstall-go.shis needed in the same repository that installsgo 1.13.9. Install Hyperledger Fabric 2.0 Following these steps in a Ubuntu 18.04 Linux under ...
到达此处已经完成了Go语言依赖的创建,接下来就可以打包文件了 export PATH=${PWD}/../bin:$PATH使用这个文件将peer结点的二进制文件进行加入CLI path(CLI是用来和fabric网络进行交互的一个工具) export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=$PWD/../config/可以将完成FABRIC_CFG_PATH的配置 此时已经成功将peer结点置入CLI,可以使用pee...
因为感觉MySQL相对普遍一些,所以我选择的是MySQL。查看各个分支的README文件,reactbranch这个分支符合我的要求(fabric1.0+MySQL) 克隆仓库 #进入自己开发的目录(这里只是例子,可以改成自己想要的目录)$cd/home/chy#克隆仓库$gitclone切换到合适的分支$git checko...
Docker is a popular container technology that allows you to deploy applications and services quickly. It is widely used for application development and deployment, and it can be used in various other contexts as well. You can install Docker on Ubuntu 20 in a few steps. Before beginning, it i...
Basic example of how to use cc-tools to easily program a Hyperledger Fabric chaincode. - hyperledger-labs/cc-tools-demo OR How to write chaincode This tutorial demonstrates the basic building blocks and functionality necessary to build an elementary Hyperledger fabric chaincode application. You will...
Good point. It seems a bug in the QA program that use the answer length limit (60) as the comment length limit (20). Fixed it. 20 character comments should be good now. Thank you, Zhiqiang ;-) 1, Read here[1]. You can also choose the way to remove ‘install_docs’ from SSLmak...
Nodejs/Jquery/Bootstrap搭建hyperledger fabric前端 Jquery 前端 Bootstrap Nodejs Contents 整体思路 跨域访问问题回调函数不执行问题 总结 最近想给毕设加入一个前端界面来
This tutorial has been made onUbuntu 16.04but the Hyperledger Fabric framework is compatible with Mac OS X, Windows and other Linux distributions. We will use theGolanguage to design our first application because the Hyperledger Fabric has been also built in Go and the Fabric SDK Go is really...