In this Tutorial We are going to learn how to Install htop on CentOS 7 using yum install command with epel repository. To Install htop on CentOS 7 We Want to add CentOS epel repository, Because thehtopsoftware package does not come with Default CentOS yum repository. Step One Install Epel ...
When it comes to monitoring system resources, htop on Linux stands out as a powerful tool that provides a real-time, interactive view of your system’s performance. Unlike traditional command-line utilities, htop offers a user-friendly interface with intuitive visualizations. In this article, we’...
On Debian 12 or 11, Htop can be easily installed via the Debian default repository. This method provides a straightforward and reliable installation process, ensuring you have access to the stable version of Htop that is well-integrated with your Debian system. This guide will walk you through ...
This tutorial will go through the simple steps to install Xcache for PHP on CentOS 8. XCache is a fast, stable PHP opcode cacher.
So, if you want to install multiple packages simultaneously, open the file with a text editor and append their names to the end of the file. For example, let’s add “vim,”“htop,” and “curl” to the list. nano /etc/apk/world ...
yum install-y tree vim wget bash-completion bash-completion-extras lrzsz net-tools sysstat iotop iftop htop unzip telnet ntpdate net-snmp-utils lvm2 lsof yum provides'*/applydeltarpm'yum install deltarpm-y yum install gcc gcc-c++ ncurses-devel.x86_64 lrzsz.x86_64 cmake.x86_64 libaio.x86_...
How to install Home Assistant Supervised on Armbian 23.02 Jammy (plus minus, but quite installed on the previous release of Armbian, this is based on Debian 10) Performed exclusively without a graphical interface, from the console. Works stably on Orange
If you’re the kind of Macs user who spends a lot of time using Terminal and need to install other command line tools like cask, htop, or wget, at some point you’ll want to install the Homebrew package manager, which makes it easier to install them. Here’s how to install and how...
Install htop: sudo apt install htop Optional actions 2 (to have more space on disk by removing some packages) Remove libre-office sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice* sudo apt clean sudo apt autoremove Remove graphical environment and reinstall only lxde-core ...
Install htop: sudo apt install htop Optional actions 2 (to have more space on disk by removing some packages) Remove libre-office sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice* sudo apt clean sudo apt autoremove Remove graphical environment and reinstall only lxde-core sudo a...