第一种方法就是在 Ubuntu Software Center (如果找不到可以在Search中搜索)中搜索 gvim , 然后会出现一个应用软件的图标,点击一下图标,在这行的最右边有一个 install 的按钮,点击一下即可安装: 第二种方法可以用命令行安装,打开 Terminal (命令行模式) ,在命令行中输入 sudo apt-get install vim ,然后输入管...
Installing Vim color schemes using plugins is more convenient, especially if you use a plugin manager. One popular Vim plugin manager isvim-plug. Take the following steps to install Vim color schemes usingvim-plug. 1. Access GitHub. 2. Search for and clickvim-plug. 3. Scroll down to the...
Using Gvim Editor Gvim is a Vim editor with a graphical user interface. To install Gvim, launch Terminal by pressingCtrl+Alt+T. then type the below command in Terminal to start the installation. $ sudo apt-get install vim-gnome Once done with the installation, you can open and edit any ...
sudo apt install vim-gtk3 [OnDebian, Ubuntu and Mint] sudo dnf install vim-X11 [OnRHEL/CentOS/FedoraandRocky/AlmaLinux] sudo apk add vim [OnAlpine Linux] sudo pacman -S gvim [OnArch Linux] sudo zypper install vim-X11 [OnOpenSUSE] sudo pkg install vim [On FreeBSD] Using the Clipboard...
Git installed (see how toinstall Git on Ubuntu,macOS,Windows,CentOS 7, orCentOS 8). AGit repository. Compare Branches via git diff In Git, diffing is a function that compares two input data sets and outputs their differences. Thegit diffcommand has multiple uses, as it can run adifffuncti...
How to Fix the “vim command not found” Error in Ubuntu 20.04 and 20.10: While using Linux, you often run into errors like“command not found”. It is usually because that command is not the default command of Linux and requires an additional program to install. ...
To install it on Arch-based systems, run: $ sudo pacman -S thunar On Fedora, RHEL, CentOS, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux: $ sudo dnf install thunar Or, $ sudo yum install thunar On openSUSE: $ sudo zypper install thunar On Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint: ...
This installs vim editor along with the required dependencies. 3. Search packages To search for a specific package (E.g.vim) on the repos and the AUR, run: $ paru -Ss vim Sample output: extra/gvim 8.2.2891-1 [1.90MiB 4.19MiB] ...
Install tldr via NPM. Use the -g option to install tldr as a global NPM package. npm install tldr -g Using Python 3 Make sure you have Python 3 installed. On Debian and Ubuntu, recent releases include Python 3 by default, which you can verify using the --version flag. python3 --...
wsl --install-dUbuntu The best part of all this is that you just install Linux GUI apps in your distro with apt install like you would already,and they'll show up automatically in the Windows Start Menu! Even better, if you have a nice GPU, you can run WSLg on a system...