To continue with this guide, first, you need to Install WSL2 on your Windows PC. We have already written an article onHow to Install WSL2 and Kali Linux on Windows 10 First, refer to the above link then back to this GUI Installation article. Installation of Win-Kex ToInstall Win-Kexor...
When Microsoft first introduced WSL for Windows, the feature only supported Linux command-line tools, but now, it’s possible to install and run graphical Linux apps. The GUI support is meant to test and develop applications on Linux without needing avirtual machine, but you can use it for ...
You will see the command line interface of your Ubuntu Linux app in the exact form if you open it directly from the Windows menu. Now, to make sure all the repos and installed packages on the WSL are up to date run the system update command: sudo apt update Install GUI File Manager N...
Let’s get started. We will guide you through the complete roadmap on how to install Kubernetes for Windows users. This tutorial will show you how to set up Kubernetes and deploy the official web GUI dashboard, which will allow you to manage and monitor everything. Kubernetes Installation Sy...
How to Install Matlab on WSL Ubuntu 18.04 You can also select a web site from the following list How to Get Best Site Performance Select the China site (in Chinese or English) for best site performance. Other MathWorks country sites are not optimized for visits from your location...
Installing Google Chrome in WSL2 Now that all the prerequisites are met, let's move on to install both web browsers. First, we'll go with Google Chrome. You can see its screenshot below. The blue background behind the Google Chrome window is the Windows 10 desktop. You can see that ...
wsl --install-dUbuntu The best part of all this is that you just install Linux GUI apps in your distro with apt install like you would already,and they'll show up automatically in the Windows Start Menu! Even better, if you have a nice GPU, you can run WSLg on a system w...
wsl --install -dDISTRO-NAME Remember to replace“DISTRO-NAME”in the command with the distro’s name to install, such asDebian. Restart your computer. Continue with the Linux distro setup as necessary. After you complete the steps, the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 components will be install...
Windows: Hyper-V or WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux version 2) should be on Linux:QEMUmust be version 5.2 or later Notably,macOS doesn’t usually require any additional software dependencies to install Docker. 4. Docker Desktop for Windows ...
Building from source is the most reliable way to install Python onopenSUSE. To do that, you’ll need to install the development tools, which can be done inYaSTvia the menus or by using thezyppercommand as shown below: Shell $sudozypperinstall-tpatterndevel_C_C ...