Bug 1827351 - Fix non-unified-build bustage in storage/test/gtest/tes… Apr 11, 2023 supply-chain Backed out changeset 694a4c9a4085 (bug 1826304) for causing xpc failu… Apr 14, 2023 taskcluster Bug 1774273 - Add eme-free, l10n and partner repack notarization + pk… Apr 15, 2023 testi...
ADD_SUBDIRECTORYwith the path to the gtest root and then you can use public library targets (gtestandgtest_main) defined there. There is more background information in thisCMake threadin the googletestframework group. [edit] TheBUILD_SHARED_LIBSoption is only effective on Windows for now. It...
How to use resource-based authorization in ASP.NET Core Jan 23, 20259 mins how-to How to use the new Lock object in C# 13 Jan 09, 20258 mins how-to How to split strings efficiently in C# Dec 26, 20247 mins how-to How to chunk data using LINQ in C# ...
CAL++ and Pyrit in Kali Linux. The idea is to install correct drivers in Kali Linux for your GPU and use CPU+GPU combination with Pyrit to make raw data crunching faster. An example would be to utilize this combined processing power to crunch though WPA/WPA2 capture file to find Wifi pa...
I need to build basic cpu onnxruntime and get shared libs on ubuntu14.04, and i pull the official ubuntu14.04 docker from docker hub. I installed gcc and g++ (version is 4.8.4) and cmake(3.13) in the image, and download onnxruntime 1.3.0...
Now you compile and install: # cd /path/to/haveged-x.x # ./configure # make # make install By default, this will install with a prefix of /usr/local, so you should add something similar to the following to /etc/rc.local (or your system's equivalent) to make it automatically ...
First you should extract your stock rom from the zip file into a folder then you want to copy the csc file and when thats done remove the .md5 extension at the end (You may need to Disable the "Hide extensions for know file types" in windows explorer settings and then you want to op...
I can build and run it in the terminal. I can build and run it using clang++ in VSCode. Then I add gtest to it. I can compile in the terminal with g++ -std=c++0x $FILENAME -lgtest -lgtest_main -pthread and then run, and the tests work. I install the C++ TestMate extension ...
You can install kafka-net via the NuGet package manager from within Visual Studio. You can follow this link to the kafka-net GitHub repository. Here is the main method for our Kafka producer: static void Main(string[] args) { string payload ="Welcome to Kafka!"; string topic ="IDGTest...
Change tobuilddirectory and runcmake ..command to configure your build. Windows users can do the same with cmake-gui application. On Windows, build the solution found in the build directory. On Linux, runmakefrom the build directory.