I've been struggling with installing gmock on Ubuntu for a while now and I'm therefore turning to you since I'm pretty sure it should not be hard and that I'm just missing something essential. I have managed to install gtest previously but can't remember how unfortunately but gtest is ...
How to run, debug, and unit test ARM code on X86 ubuntu - WojciechMigda/how-to-qemu-arm-gdb-gtest
I need to build basic cpu onnxruntime and get shared libs on ubuntu14.04, and i pull the official ubuntu14.04 docker from docker hub. I installed gcc and g++ (version is 4.8.4) and cmake(3.13) in the image, and download onnxruntime 1.3.0...
Install AMD ATI Driver (fglrx) in Kali Linux 1.x How to install AMD APP SDK in Kali Linux? How to install CAL++ in Kali Linux? How to install Pyrit in Kali Linux? Credits: A big thanks goes tohexed6from Kali Forums for hisoriginal post. ...
use qt library in MainWindow MainWindow.h #include"Sensor/CameraGrabber/CameraGrabber.h"classMainWindow:publicQMainWindow { Q_OBJECTpublic:explicitMainWindow(QWidget *parent=0); ~MainWindow();private: CameraGrabber *graber =nullptr; } MainWindow.cpp ...
Utilize the vgcreate instruction to establish a new volume group from LVM physical volumes. Execute the below-mentioned command to establish a new volume group in Ubuntu 20.04 Linux system. $ sudo vgcreate LVMgTEST /dev/sda1 We have created a volume group named “LVMgTEST.” You can create ...
Installing haveged on Debian/Ubuntu You can easily install haveged on Debian and Ubuntu by running the following command: # apt-get install haveged Should this package not be available in your default repositories, you will need to compile from source (see below) ...
progtest.m4 from the /usr/share/aclocal directory to your autoconf macro directory or directly to your aclocal.m4 file. AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRpointed to the m4 directory so I've done: cp /usr/share/aclocal/* m4/ Message still appears though, why?