To check your current fusee version, you need to look at the fusee.bin file that you use to launch CFW on your Switch. This file is usually stored on the root of your SD card, or in a folder called bootloader/payloads if you use Hekate as a payload launcher. You can check the fus...
Go to the Settings tab and press the “Install Driver” button and allow the installation. (This will install the RCM Switch driver on your PC.) Return now to the Payload tab and connect your Switch, which should be in RCM mode, to your PC with a USB-C cable. Select the folder icon...
Unzip the firmware, Atmosphere, and fusee files from the .zip folder and copy them to your SD card. Also read:How to Reset a Nintendo Switch for Resale To dump a Nintendo Switch game from your Switch to your PC, follow the instructions below: DownloadNXDump Tool. Copy the NXDump tool ...
Things I have tried: Turning my switch off and on again Making sure that my SD card had the latest Hekate files on it (overwriting the new ones over the old ones) Using a different payload (fusee-primary.bin) to see if it's the Hekate payload that's the issue (as previously mentione...
1. DUMP SBK VIA USB Step 1: Download fusee-launcher for Nexus 7 from this link and extract it to a folder: Step 2: Open a terminal inside of the folder then type: Code: sudo apt-get...
Couldn't make the command run using the blobs directly, it hangs with every combination I tried, so I went to tofurky's method (I must say, I really like it). First try: From APX mode, sudo ./fusee-launcher/ ./payload/uart_payload_n7.bin -... 首先,将1解压到随便一个新的文件夹中,我们就叫它Firmware 12.0.3。将这个文件夹拷贝到Switch的SD卡的根目录下。 如果你的大气层已经是最新版本的话,就啥也不用做了,如果不是的话,需要把2,3,4都解压到SD的根目录。
1. DUMP SBK VIA USB Step 1: Download fusee-launcher for Nexus 7 from this link and extract it to a folder: Step 2: Open a terminal inside of the folder then type: Code: sudo ap...
1. DUMP SBK VIA USB Step 1: Download fusee-launcher for Nexus 7 from this link and extract it to a folder: Step 2: Open a terminal inside of the folder then type: Code: sudo apt-get...
1. DUMP SBK VIA USB Step 1: Download fusee-launcher for Nexus 7 from this link and extract it to a folder: Step 2: Open a terminal inside of the folder then type: Code: sudo apt-ge...