How to install Eclipse 3.7 on Ubuntu 11.04The Eclipse packages in Ubuntu are are very out of date. The latest version in the Ubuntu repos is 3.5.2 where as the latest version of Eclipse is 3.7. I’m posting this because Ubuntu 11.04 uses the new Unity desktop which uses overlay-scroll...
More details are available in theHow to install the GNU MCU Eclipse plug-inspage. Note: on GNU/Linux be sure you manually install the Eclipse;DO NOTtry to install it via the Synaptics package manager, or similar, since usually you get an older version and the CDT plug-ins are not inclu...
There is a couple of solutions to install software on Linux. Get help from 'Ubuntu software', which is similar to those software manager on windows and Android. Surf the Internet by Mozilla browser, search for the target software such as eclipse or Baidunetdisk, then acquire setups in Linux ...
If you are just a common user then you need onlyJRE(Java Runtime Environment) to execute java programs but If are going to write java programs or develop Apps then you need to installJava Development Kit(JDK, complete suite for Java Developers) along with someIDElikeEclipseor Netbeans (Not...
sudo apt-get install default-jre This will install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). If you instead need the Java Development Kit (JDK), which is usually needed to compile Java applications (for exampleApache Ant,Apache Maven,Eclipseand [IntelliJ IDEA](, etc...
First of all, we have to install Oracle Java 7. Both Ubuntu and Linux Mint have OpenJDK in their repositories, but that won't work for Eclipse. To install Oracle Java 7, use the following commands in Terminal: sudoadd-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-getupdate sudo apt-get...
1. How to install PHP EVN 打开终端,也就是命令提示符。 我们先来最小化组建安装,按照自己的需求一步一步装其他扩展。命令提示符输入如下命令: 1sudo apt-get install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server 上面的命令是最小化组建安装amp也就是apache2 ,php5 和 mysql 在加上一个php...
Once the installation is done, restart Eclipse. Now Install The SDKGo to Windows -> Preferences. On the left, select the Android entry.Enter the Android filepath in the SDK location field. Click Apply follow by OK. Congratulations you are done setting up Ubuntu for the Android SDK Tag...
How to Install an MQTT Broker on Ubuntu This article will take EMQX as an example to introduce how to build a single-node MQTT broker on Ubuntu. Enable SSL/TLS for EMQX MQTT broker EMQX MQTT broker supports multiple security authentications, this article will introduce how to enable SSL/TLS...
If your app relies on the native extension, then use the Full stack. Node.js or Python apps with native extensions.For more information, see Ubuntu Stacks in the VMware documentation.Manage the container registryThis section shows you how to manage the container registry used by the build ...