Because themysql_secure_installationscript performs a number of other actions that are useful for keeping your MySQL installation secure, it’s still recommended that you run it before you begin using MySQL to manage your data. To avoid entering this recursive loop, though, you’ll need...
On most Linux systems, you can install MySQL by downloading themysql-serverpackage from your system’s default package management repositories. However, on CentOS 7 themysql-serverpackage will actually install MariaDB, a community-developed fork of the MySQL relational database management syst...
After installing the required tools and kernel headers, navigate toNVIDIA’s official websiteto search for the specificNVIDIA Driverby selecting “Product Type”, “Product Series” and “Product” according to your graphic card specifications/details. Also, choose “Operating System” as “Linux 64...
Optional: To make this persistent across future kernel upgrades and initramfs rebuilds, add the driver to omit to dracut's permanent configuration: Raw # MODNAME="module_name"; echo "omit_dracutmodules+=\"$MODNAME\"" >> /etc/dracut.conf To remove the persistent configuration, delete theomit...
src_id=19394" -O ~/.vim/syntax/nginx.vim # Improved NGINX vim plugin (incl. syntax highlighting) with Pathogen: mkdir -p ~/.vim/{autoload,bundle}/ curl -LSso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim echo -en "\nexecute pathogen#infect()\n" >> ~/.vimrc git ...
"Unable to cast object of type 'System.Configuration.DefaultSection' to type blah blah ((System.IO.Stream)(s)).ReadTimeout. What might be wrong? (407) Proxy Authentication Required. (C# console application) OR (C#windows form application) (Programatically) Restart Explorer.exe like its done ...
5 Tips to Boost the Performance of Your Apache Web Server How to Install Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate to Secure Apache Protect Apache Against Brute Force or DDoS Attacks Using Mod_Security and Mod_evasive Modules How to Password Protect Web Directories in Apache Using .htaccess File ...
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin 檢查Docker是否正常執行: service docker status 看到Active: active (running)表示沒問題,按下Ctrl+C跳出 將自己使用者帳號加入docker群組: sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu newgrp docker ...
For example, if you add -s to the kernel parameters, the kernel passes the -s to the init program to indicate that it should start in single-user mode. 当遇到无法理解的参数时,Linux内核会保存该参数。内核在执行用户空间启动时会将该参数传递给init。例如,如果您添加了-s到内核参数中,内核会将-...
Install ModSecurity on CentOS 7 1. Enter the following into a terminal window: sudo yum install mod_security If prompted, presyand hitEnterto allow the process to complete. 2. Restart the Apache service: sudo systemctl restart httpd.service ...