In this tutorial, we will see how to install and use this powerful bridge between Daz Studio and Blender 2.8+. We will be able to bring a fully rigged Genesis 8 character, modify the shaders, pose the character, and even create new morph targets we can then send back to Daz.About the...
I guess that with the advent of these nifty bridge scripts, more people will be dipping their toes in the Blender waters. I've been doing that for years and never got beyond ankle deep so perhaps it is time to move out of my Daz comfort zone and wade in a little further. I'm usin...
DAZ to Blender to Godot workflow: Step 1 In DAZ Studio prepare and equip your character how you see fit. Save the scene as a normal DAZ Studio file. Don't bother to much about textures and Iray shaders. At best Godot will create a mess out of them. You will have to set them manu...