从命令行运行 保存此修改后的文件,将其命名为my_file.mph,然后退出 COMSOL Multiphysics 用户界面。打开 Windows 命令提示符,然后导航到包含模型文件的目录。确保将 COMSOL® 可执行文件的路径添加到 PATH 环境变量中,然后输入以下命令: comsolbatch -inputfile my_file.mph -pname tbb,Vtot -plist“ 1 [cm]...
不过,借助 COMSOL 5.2a 版本结构力学模块中全新的黏附与剥离功能,就能准确表征上述所有现象。 我们以用胶水(真实的胶水或者具有相似功能的物体)黏接起来的两个固体零件为例来说明。COMSOL Multiphysics 中新的黏附节点是连接两个边界的关键,您可以在模型开发器中的模型树接触节点下找到这个子节点。 要在接触建模中使用...
Learn how to use specific functionality in the COMSOL Desktop® for more efficient modeling. Browse the COMSOL Blog.
How to build a stent model in COMSOL Multiphysics?Login
Concluding Thoughts on How to Inspect Your Mesh in COMSOL Multiphysics® We have discussed three different ways of inspecting a mesh, which can be used to spot regions with low-quality mesh elements. Now that we know how to find out where the low-quality mesh elements are, we can either...
To easily generate random-looking geometric surfaces, the COMSOL Multiphysics® software provides a powerful set of built-in functions and operators, such as functions for uniform and Gaussian random distributions and a very usefulsumoperator. In this blog post, we show you how to generate a ran...
In COMSOL Multiphysics, you can plot two different quantities with different scales and units simultaneously on a 1D plot by adding a secondy-axis to your plot group. In this video, we will introduce a case where this functionality is needed, add a secondy-axis, and include a legend and...
Concluding Thoughts on Computing Distances Between Objects in COMSOL Multiphysics® We have demonstrated how to compute a distance field to a boundary within a model, the distances between boundaries, and the shortest line segment between two boundaries. This approach also works to calculate distance...
自5.2a 版本起,COMSOL Multiphysics® 引入了许多新功能来提高结构力学接触建模能力,它可以帮助您模拟那些相互接触后就黏在一起的物体(黏附),以及相互分离的物体(剥离),包括完整的内聚力模拟。这篇博客,让我们一起学习如何使用 COMSOL Multiphysics 的新功能来处理上述情况。
How to reference COMSOL Multiphysics® software in papers and publications 平台:所有平台版本: 问题描述 I am a licensed user of COMSOL Multiphysics® software and am publishing an article, paper, book, image, or conference proceeding based upon my own modeling work. How should this be reference...