I was able to go from nothing to a running Openstack environment using Ubuntu Juju/MAAS inside 2 weeks with no prior knowledge or experience with Juju nor MAAS nor Openstack. The trick seemed to be having enough boxes as some charms didn't seem to like running on the same boxes or what...
Instructions for using the Ubuntu packaging are at: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/cloud/install-ubuntu-cloud There are different options depending on if it is for test or real world deployment and the number of servers you have. Mark Thank you very much ___ Mailing list: https://launchpa...
We’ll deploy the servers to compute instances running on Exoscale. Ansible is particularly well suited to Exoscale, as since version 2.0 it has amodule for the Cloudstack APIthat underlies Exoscale’s VM provisioning. If you want tolearn more about the Exoscale API, take a look at myprevious...
I am usually pretty good atinstalling new tech but OpenStack is the most convoluted environment(even worse documentation) I have ever come in contact with (Worsethan IBM software). The advanced install and config of CloudStack 4.1is a breeze compare to Openstack. Was this made to purposely li...