While time passes by, the computer’s internal clocks tend to drift which can lead to inconsistent time issues, especially on servers and client’s logs files or if you want to replicate servers’ resources or databases. This tutorial will demonstrate how you can install and configureNTP(chrony...
On the RHEL5 computer, run the following command to enable the script to run as a program:chmod +x install Important You must use root credentials to install the client. Next, run the following command to install the Configuration Manager client:./install –mp <hostname> -sitecode ccm-Un...
Copy all the agent installation files from that folder to a new folder on the virtual machine, and then, on the virtual machine on which Linux is running as a guest operating system, open the new folder. Run the following command: Copy chmod +x install Run either of the following comm...
Type the following command in your terminal to install OpenJDK 8: sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk -y Note:The OpenJDK or Oracle Java version can affect how elements of a Hadoop ecosystem interact. To install a specific Java version, check out our detailed guide onhow to install Java on U...
Before you install VMware Workstation Pro, you need to make the installer executable. Follow the steps below: 1. Open the terminal andchange the directorytoDownloads. 2. Usingchmod,change the downloaded file's permissionsto make it executable. Use the following syntax: ...
install tar vim 1. Overview Thechmodcommand in Linux allows users to modify the permissions of files and directories. It’s typically accessed through the/usr/bin/chmodfile path. However, it’s possible to set file permissions without using thechmodcommand. This might be necessary when the exec...
1.yum install gcc-c++ make 2.rpm -Uhv http://dl.atrpms.net/el6-x86_64/atrpms/testing/cmake-2.8.4-1.el6.x86_64.rpm Some initial libraries We like to install with yum because it is more easy like this. view sourceprint?
Run the command below to change ownership of ‘wordpress’ directory. chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/wordpress/ change File permissions of the WordPress folder. chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/wordpress/ Create ‘uploads’ directory. ...
Install all certificates and keys. InBin_dirdirectory, create a file calledkeypass. Make sure that no one other than the owner has any permissions for this file. #cdBin_dir#touch keypass#chmod 700 keypass If you are using an encrypted private key or keys, perform the following Step a ...
1. Install Java Hadoop requires Java to be installed, so let’s begin by installing Java: apt-get update apt-get install default-jdk These commands will update the package information on your VPS and then install Java. After executing these commands, execute the following command to verify tha...