A fast way to remove duplicated lines from an unsorted text file? a lot of cmdlets missing from powershell A member could not be added to or removed from the local group because the member does not exist a method to exclude one or some columns in output of Get-process cmdlet A parameter...
An e-commerce website is an online platform where businesses sell products or services to customers over the Internet. The cost of the development ranges from $30,000 to $65,000. The main components of the eCommerce website are: Payment system integration Security certificates Choosing betw...
The cost of the development ranges from $30,000 to $65,000. The main components of the eCommerce website are: Payment system integration Security certificates Choosing between pre-built templates or custom-creating Target audience-specific ad campaigns Mobile compatibility Here, too, the structur...
Note: As mentioned in the Prerequisites section, it is recommended that you enable SSL/TLS on your server. You can followthe Let’s Encryptguide now to obtain a free TLS certificate for Nginx on Ubuntu 22.04. After obtaining your TLS certificates, you can come back and ...
How to install appx package (Forza Horizon 3) in another drive when system drive has no enough space to hold the package. How to Install Google Chrome on remote computer using powershell How to Install Windows Powershell 2.0 on Windows 2003 Server SP2 How to Install/UnInstall Visual studio ...
Initial information on how to generate the Root Certificate Authority and a client certificate is here -How to: Create Temporary Certificates for Use During Development - WCF | Microsoft Learn Below is the script I adjusted for my usage (The server has an internal static...
How much can you afford to pay to acquire a customer?Calculate your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) to understand how much an average customer will spend at your online shop over time. You will also have to estimate how much a customer is worth. This metric, known as a Customer Lifetime...
You’ll need to buy a PIV/CAC smart card reader for whatever type of USB port you have. You’ll also need to manually install a bunch of certificates before anything will work. This step is surprisingly complex and we only got through thanks to the wisdom at https://militarycac.com/....
$ apt-get install dirmngr gnupg apt-transport-https ca-certificates Import the repository GPG key and enable the “Phusionpassenger” repository: $ apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 561F9B9CAC40B2F7
sudo apt install dirmngr gnupg sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 561F9B9CAC40B2F7 sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates Add the Phusion repository and update the package manager. The buster in the first of these commands corresponds to ...