Installing a bathtub might seem like a daunting task, but with careful planning and the right approach, you can transform your bathroom into a luxurious place to relax. In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about installing a brand-new acrylic tub, specifically 20-inch deep...
Of course, it takes some time to set up all of these fun actions. And that brings up one of the biggest challenges of home automation products. Many smart home products use their own proprietary apps. In short, you could install dozens of home automation gadgets and their associated apps,...
The first step to installing a prefabricated tileable shower base is to rough-in the shower drain. If you have an existing drain or a new drain already in place, dry-fit the shower base to be sure the drain location fits the base properly. If you need to install a new drain, use the...
This article describes how to install ceramic tiles on a masonry wall to stop leaks, efflorescence, and to construct an attractive, durable wall covering. We discuss installation of ceramic wall tiles on masonry surfaces, on a leaky concrete wall, on cement backerboard, and on various interior ...
Looking for a fresh look for your bathroom? Learn about average bathroom remodel costs to set your budget and expectations.
Here’s an example of wainscoting in a bathroom. Step 2: Plan the Layout Setting up boards to plan the layout is a great way to avoid mistakes, and this is a critical step to achieve aesthetic corners. The goal is to avoid odd-looking corners by intersecting the two walls at a wider...
I made the big mistake of burying my cement board (Hardiebacker) into the concrete of my shower pan. I now understand the risks with water wicking up into my concrete boards, and causing a moisture/mold issue in the walls. I don't have an issue yet, but my shower pan is do...
Everything you need to know about how to install brick veneer in your home, and where to buy it. Adding a brick wall is a unique way to add character to your home. One of my most favorite elements of our vintage inspired farmhouse bathroom is our brick wall. I just love it SO much...
Generally, it is easier to build a ramp in sections, or modules. Starting with the upper landing section, you will attach each section one at a time, ensuring they are installed at the correct slope. Attach your first section to the house with concrete anchor bolts. Install your support po...
So, againgreen board is generally used for the walls in the bathroom that will not come in direct contact to water. Cement board is sometimes called Durock, Wonderboard, and Hardibacker. It is used for wet applications in tubs walls, shower walls, and floors. ...