bazelisk build --sandbox_tmpfs_path=/tmp //src:bazel 定义需要打包的版本号: export release_name=1.2.1 上面这句命令表示生成的版本号就是1.2.1 修改开发版本的版本信息生成发布版本的ubuntu操作系统命令: mkdir output cp bazel-bin/src/bazel output/bazel output/bazel build \ -c opt \ --stamp \ -...
I don't know if this is possible. If not, can you provide a suitable way for me to obtain the c++ code coverage? My envs: Ubuntu20.04 Tensorflow2.12.0 (Building from Source) bazel5.3.0 (using bazelisk) Python3.9 CUDA11.7 cuDnn8.5.0 GCC9.4.0 ...