door frame or other solid structure. Sheetrock alone will not hold up ANY baby gate. If you cannot install directly into a stud (when putting into sheetrock), use a nice piece of hardwood to span between the studs or wall.
While plastic, removable baby gates often come to mind, Norman says it's important to install gates in a more permanent fashion at the stairs – that typically means drilling into a stud in the wall with the gate opening over the landing, as opposed to over the stairs. Especially around s...
How to Build a DIY Dutch Door from Scratch We’ve always loved Dutch doors, and our love of natural wood tones lends itself to a modern farmhouse style. So, after I designed thebarn door baby gatefor the stairs, I realized that I could add the same type of door up above and make ...
The pool deck features a locking gate on the stairs to keep our little kids safe, too. Get the Pool Deck Plans here As you can see in the final reveal in the video, we also added a paver patio leading to the stairs of the pool deck as well as a paver base for the second ladder...
Approach the pier in the south, but then turn north to find the second temple with a yellow power crystal inside. To solve this temple puzzle, pick up the golden cube nearest to the entrance and place it on the blue tile (location 1). Walk down the stairs and grab the other golden ...
6.Block Access to Stairs If you have stairs in your home, your toddler will at some point start to experiment with them. Looking away from your child for only a moment could be all the time they need to get to the stairs and have a fall. Installing a gate at your stairs will give...
“Galleria Borghese” or hand them a piece of paper with “Piazzale Scipione Borghese, 5 (Galleria Borghese)” on it. They’ll drop you off in a small car park off Via Pinciana and probably point to the museum. At this point, you should see a big black gate ...
I have been on the other side.When I had my second baby I only had one dress to wear and it wasn’t even a maternity dress. I had to wear a dress four or five times a week and it was embarrassing to have to wear the same thing over and over. I had a neighbor who decided to...
Foot Positions When Walking Up Stairs Below: Walkers up these tall and narrow-tread steps at Canada de la Virgin in Guanajuato demonstrate a dramatic situation: the mom, using both hands to carry their baby, is assisted by the dad. Should she slip she has no free hand (and no handrailing...
There are many ways to patch drywall. It's seriously something almost anyone can do. The easiest way to patch drywall is with a ready made patch kit.