Public Test Server was recently uninstalled– One of the most common causes that will spawn this error with Smite is when you uninstall a PTS dependency for a different game. In most cases, this will affect the functionality of the Easy Anti Cheat engine on Smite. In this case, you can f...
The Easy Anti-Cheat is Not Installed error usually happens whenever you try to launch a game and the Easy Anti-Cheat is not installed or it could be that it is being blocked by anti-virus software or it is corrupted. What Causes This Error? There are numerous reasons as to why the eas...
Move a game form one disk to another How to resolve Uplay connection issue. Fix issues with RDR2 Install Nvidia control panel Fix loading issues on origin Fix for Valorant Fix GTA V appearing play on steam button Verify epic games Resolve FACEIT anti-cheat issueWiki...
Install Fortnite on CCBoot Server How to install “Fornite” game by Epic Games Import Call of Duty Registry Key No Response from Server When Playing HON Fix Fortnite game error Problem with League of Legends Smite Work in CCBoot/CCDisk Client Skip steam verification on client Solve Warface...
The next step is reinstalling/repairing Easy Anti-Cheat. It might be that the current install is corrupted for the one game you want and a quick repair will fix the problem. Wouldn’t that be nice? You can choose to repair/reinstall EAC from 1 of 2 locations. Either from EasyAntiCheat...
And anti-cheat is also a big concern as a client runs the entire simulation. However, the most frustrating part of such client-hosted matches is the host migration, which is the process where the whole game pauses for several seconds while a different player is elected to replace the host ...
The native port of ARK: Survival Evolved is pretty poor, and online with the Windows version in Proton is broken due to the BattlEye anti-cheat used. Rocket League was removed from Steam, however it does work with Wine (which Proton is built from) if ...
Smite Public Test A guide to uninstall Smite Public Test from your PC Hi-Rez Studios here 334215040 AutoReporter.exe (60.81 KB) EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe (762.63 KB) FlashInstallWrapper.exe (12.95 KB) flashplayer_10_3r183_90_win.exe (2.95 MB)...
The native port of ARK: Survival Evolved is pretty poor, and online with the Windows version in Proton is broken due to the BattlEye anti-cheat used. Rocket League was removed from Steam, however it does work with Wine (which Proton is built from) if you use ...
Move a game form one disk to another How to resolve Uplay connection issue. Fix issues with RDR2 Install Nvidia control panel Fix loading issues on origin Fix for Valorant Fix GTA V appearing play on steam button Verify epic games Resolve FACEIT anti-cheat issueWiki...