One thing that’s very important in Classic WoW is attunements. TBC Classic will introduce many more so make sure you’re ready. There’s a lot of attunements in the Burning Crusade. From dungeons requiring your group to have a key to raids requiring you to go on epic adventures across O...
WoW Classic TBC is here and for most of us, once we hit level 70 our main concern will be how to make our character stronger, so today we’re going to answer just that by going over every known and less known avenue of gearing in Outland and seeing what the...
First off, you’re not just fighting Kalecgos but also another phase 5 TBC Burning Crusade Classic Sunwell Platea boss in another realm along with him, Sathrovarr, a demon who’s trying to possess Kalecgos. Your goal to defeat this encounter is to get both Kalecgos and...
how are dps warriors during tbc? I dont wanna roll one now, only to find out no one is inviting me to raids when TBC comes. I’m not planning on going hardcore, But I want to experiance Kara, Gruul, Magtheradon, and Zul…
I’m not trying to corner the market or have enough to last forever. I just wondered about how much to pay for repairs, profs, skills, riding (including epic flight). The hard set costs. I don’t remember how much stuff wa…
how are dps warriors during tbc? I dont wanna roll one now, only to find out no one is inviting me to raids when TBC comes. I’m not planning on going hardcore, But I want to experiance Kara, Gruul, Magtheradon, and Zul…