In this tutorial, we shall see how to install software packages under Debian and Ubuntu. In the program, we shall have a look at already-installed packages, search packages, information related to software packages, how to update packages and the software list. List of installed software ...
in Debian / Ubuntu, Package Management, Ubuntu Linux I am a new Ubuntu Linux user. I need to install a package called package.deb. I know I can use Synaptic front-end package management tool to install packages from the CD or Internet. But, I would like to install a special .deb file...
In this tutorial, you will learn several ways to install a.debfile on Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and other Debian-based distros. Example 1.Using theaptcommand is the recommended way to install DEB files. This will also fetch required dependencies from official repos. Just specify the path ...
A .deb file is a Debian software package used in Debian-based Linux distributions like Ubuntu. It contains all the files needed for a particular software application and metadata about the package. Q. Why would I need to install .deb files on Ubuntu?
Step 3: Install the NoMachine To install the downloaded Debian package of the “NoMachine ” on Ubuntu, use the “dpkg” manager: $ sudo dpkg -i nomachine_8.0.168_2_amd64.deb Step 4: Launch NoMachine After the package of NoMachine is installed, search for the application in the Appli...
Method 1: Install Google Chrome from a Debian Package Ubuntu does not have the Google Chrome packages in its default repository, but you can still install Chrome using a Debian package. Here are the steps to follow: Download Chrome for Ubuntu 64 bits. To download the Debian package of Google...
Package Management apt dpkg 1. Overview Linux systems usually providepackage managersfor managingsoftware packages. Thedpkgpackage manager handles.debor Debian files on Ubuntu and other Debian systems. For a system administrator, a common task is to add new packages or remove obsolete ones. ...
In addition, you can query information about a specific package usingdpkg-query. Here’s the command: sudo dpkg-query -W packageName How to Create a List of Installed Packages on Ubuntu In addition to listing installed software, you may need to save the results for archiving or system config...
In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to install and pin an older version of a.debpackage. All commands in this tutorial have been tested on the Debian-based Ubuntu 22.04. 2. Understanding Package Versions and Dependencies The name of a.debpackage itself contains the version information. It’...
debian, 1-debian, 1.*-debianLatest stable - debian ❌alpine, 1-alpine, 1.*-alpine(❌Deprecated due to DNS issues) Latest stable - alpine nightly*Development build, unstable 🐳 Docker Compose Example docker-compose template: