Well, I wanted to know which positions of the binary numberaicontain a 0, and which contain a 1. I knew that theRangeobject0..BITSimplements theIteratortrait, so I Googled "rust iterator", landed on adoc page, and browsed through the list of methods.(0..BITS).filter().collect()seem...
Spray on a commercial rust penetrant. This will soak the screw and help to loosen the rust and act as a lubricant. ✦ Using the hammer, tap the screw a few more times, and the area around the screw too. ✦ Using the screwdriver (ensuring it is the right one for the screw type)...
Not sure how to insert these images in-line, so I will just number the explanations, with each explanation pointing to a screenshot thumbnail, from left to right. (1) This is the SystemPanel opening screen, showing the apps that were loaded while sleeping (and ShootM...