The nice thing about macro photography in spring and summer is that you don’t have to travel further than your own backyard to discover a wide-variety of appropriate subjects. The tutorial below from a British expert has a bunch of great tips for capturing the best images possible. Instructo...
When getting a new computer to experience PC gaming in all its graphical glory, if you want to get the smoothest performance and highest graphics quality for your money to maximize your experience (and to avoid lame lag getting in the way of the fun), building a custom PC yourself is the...
Just paste your Jira link on a Confluence page and it will automatically drop a dynamic Jira issue link on your Confluence page. Once you publish the page, the link will display the issue ID and title, issue category (epic, task, etc.), and issue status in the workflow (to do, in p...
I created a macro that can connect to different data sources and extract relevant data into a worksheet. It was like magic, how the data appeared in front of me with just a click of a button. Then I created another macro that updates numbers to feed into formulas on the data to measu...
That would be (in B2) copied down =COUNTIF($A$2:$A2,A2) But if you want a count of how many unique values you have, then you would use Logit's User Defined Function (UDF) which is, yes, a macro of sorts ALT + F11 to open up VBA Editor window Insert > Module Paste the...
By Trimble Epic This mod allows a button to be mapped to allow WoW to simulate the Mouselook mode found in DAoC. The code below is a work-around for the way WoW handles it's mouse controlled camera functions Revision History 7.0 Jul 29 '16 Updated TOC for use with 7.0 Legion ...
Losers without any skills need to consume to have fun because they lack the value necessary to enjoy life without indulging in someone else’s value. A talented coder for instance has his own value, when he “works” on an app, he has a lot of fun doing it despite the challenge it re...
A DIY flash diffuser is a simple yet effective tool for improving your macro photography lighting. It softens and evens out the light from your flash, reducing harsh shadows. To make one, you’ll need white paper, tape, a hollow tube like a Pringles can, and scissors. Cut the tube to ...
“I can’t think of anything that excites a greater sense of childlike wonder than to be in a country where you are ignorant of almost everything. Suddenly you are five years old again. You can’t read anything, you have only the most rudimentary sense o
A well-structured roadmap is essential in ensuring everyone understands the strategy and their roles within the framework. To ensure your roadmap diagram is structured appropriately, work from the top down, from macro to micro. 1. Create an overarching structure What is the end goal, and when...