How to do a lumbar puncture.Simpson JA.doi:10.1016/B978-0-407-00308-8.50067-7Simpson JABr J Hosp MedBritish Journal of Hospital Medicine
To the Editor: We are concerned about the recommendation that Dr Straus and colleagues1 made in the Rational Clinical Examination article on lumbar punctures to reinsert the stylet upon completion of a lumbar puncture. This is a difficult maneuver with a high potential for a sharps injury ...
The doctor will insert the lumbar puncture needle through the skin between two lumbar spine bones using fluoroscopy (image guidance) into the spinal canal. You may be asked to change your position slightly once the needle is in the subarachnoid space. Your doctor may remove a small amount of ...
where they performed a lumbar puncture to rule out certain conditions. Truthfully, it was one of the most painful experiences of my life. It’s not supposed to be a painful procedure, but for me it was because the local anesthetic did not work. ...
A myelogram is performed first in a separate procedure. This issimilar to a lumbar puncture, or spinal tap, where the fluid space around the spinal cord (within the spinal canal) is accessed with local anesthesia and contrast (usually 12cc non-ionic iodinated contrast) is administered. ...
They decided to speak to a neurologist, who advised a lumbar puncture!! Results came back normal.His kidneys recovered and he’s off dialysis.They even took him outside in his chair bed to enjoy the sunshine for 10 minutes.Dad then started to open his...
Our attention was drawn to polio during our autism research when a virologist mentioned, in passing, that poliomyelitis could be triggered in some instances by injections. Called “provocation poliomyelitis,”[iv]this can happen when a needle stick punctures a nerve in the...
How to Lumbar Puncture a ChildStella J. PadnosShea
Lumbar puncture (LP) is a useful diagnostic tool in a wide spectrum of paediatric clinical situations. A common indication is to rule out a serious intracranial infection in a febrile child. Success rate can be optimised by proper positioning, appropriate technique and enhanced operator9s skill in...
How to Perform a Lumbar Puncture.A letter to the editor is presented in response to the article "How do I perform a lumbar puncture and analyze the results to diagnose bacterial meningitis?," by S. E. Straus and colleagues.KaufmanVascular Services of Western New EnglandJeffrey L....