\begin{figure}[hbt!] this then tells LaTeX to place the image right here (as close to the position in the source code as possible); or if that's not possible (e.g. it's too large to fit on the current page) at the top of the next page, or bo...
Open anerror-riddenOverleaf project!The project should look something like this 😲: Errors from.auxfiles The.auxfile contains information about use of\label{...}declarations and\cite{...}in the.texfile, so these are useful things to check. ...
<to be read again> \def l.4 \def \mycustom{This is some macro from my package.} A number should have been here; I inserted `0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ) Or, in Overleaf's log summary...
This is my pre.tex, to format everything before I start writing the chapters: \pagestyle{empty} % Faz com que a página seguinte sempre seja ímpar (insere pg em branco) \cleardoublepage % Números das páginas em algarismos romanos \pagenumbering{roman} \singlespacing \begin{figure}[ht...
Open this code in Overleaf. After compiling the project above, the LatexMk file can be downloaded via the Logs and output files button as shown in the following brief video clip: Other notes and advice If you wish to set, or check, the TeX Live version used to compile your project plea...
the errors in your.texfile and recompile, the generated files, still containing the errors, might still be read by the compiler, producing the same errors as before. You can try deleting the generated files before you recompile. Instructions on how to do this on Overleaf can be foundhere....
LaTeX uses a multi-pass typesetting process: data produced in one pass (compilation) is written out to file(s) and used as input for any subsequent pass(es) that may be required. The following video shows what happens every time you click the “Recompile” button in your Overleaf project...
% The strange figure of 1.618 is explained later in the article. \setstretch{1.618} We write \verb|\setstretch{1.618}| to cause an immediate change to the line spacing. If we wrote \verb|\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.618}| the line spacing would not be modified until a font-changing...
LaTeX uses a multi-pass typesetting process: data produced in one pass (compilation) is written out to file(s) and used as input for any subsequent pass(es) that may be required. The following video shows what happens every time you click the “Recompile” button in your Overleaf project...
Then you can find the information on how to insert a figure. Or a footnote. Or an entire bibliography. The best way to learn it is one step at a time. To that end, here are some LaTeX resources that will help you out. LaTeX Tutorials One of the best introductions to LaTeX for begi...