In order to display our CAPTCHA, we need to tinker with some code. More specifically, you need to insert the following line of code between your site’s <head> tags: <script src=''></script> You only need to add this code to pages you plan ...
// If there are errors in on the "business" level, they will be coded in an array; // CaptchaRequestException is for these types of errors. // CaptchaRequestException and multiple catches are used to help seperate the concerns of // a) an HttpRequest 400+ status code // b) an erro...
Saves Time– Contact forms help you save time in more ways than you can imagine. Aside from consistent information, you can also use form confirmations to tell the user the next steps they should take. For example, you can watch a video or wait up to 24 hours to get a response so the...
Besides that, you can capture their initial interest by allowing them to join your email newsletter. This allows you to stay in touch with them via email, which can lead to future revenue as you sendtargeted offers and promotionsto an engaged audience. All you have to do is add a signup...
How to insert the dictionary object into Database using How to Insert a TextBox value in to Sql database using VB.NET? how to insert apostrophe in sql server how to insert date in sql server using stored procedure How to insert dropdown list value to the database table? How ...
when passing null non-Route paramater to ActionLink "The LINQ expression node type 'Invoke' is not supported in LINQ to Entities" when using PredicateBuilder, help please (@Html.DropDownListFor) how to display the selected text instead of the value on MVC generated Details page (Bad binary ...
(FAQ) New Articles How to Convert Your Website from XHTML 1.0 to HTML5 the Quick and Easy Way How to Set the Height of a DIV Relative to a Browser Window (CSS) How to Generate the Free Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate on Your Own (Windows) Computer How to Insert Meta Tags into a ...
You may style every HTML element of your WordPress login screen with custom CSS. If you want to write your own code, read theWordPress Codexpage for more details. In this tutorial, we will insert CSS code to change the login page’s default WordPress logo: ...
@Html.Action syntax to pass value of hidden input value with routevalues @html.Actionlink should open in a new popup window @Html.CheckBoxFor doesn't bind to the model? @Html.CheckBoxFor not checked @Html.DisplayFor not working @Html.DropDownList help class, "Selected =...
$.listen('click', '#captcha', function() { $('#captcha-block').html('<div id="loading" style="width: 70px; height: 40px; display: inline-block;" />'); $.get("/captcha/new", null, function(data) { $('#captcha-block').html(data); }); return false; }); CSS #loading...