Or, you can inscribe a right triangle in your circle and the center is at hypotenusa / 2 AdityaK1807 years ago Wow thanx instructable muhammadi2498 years ago Nice 1 reply lill hamill7 years ago thanks walterr17 years ago A clear Instructable. If you use a tangent instead of a chord ...
And it’s the technique I’ve been using to inscribe stanzas from the Poetic Eddas around the rims of the cups I’ve been turning for my shop. Silver If you follow my Facebook feed, you’ve seen the other medium I’m playing with lately: silver wire inlay. I’ve got a couple of...
Draw a straight line. Choose two points on it at a convenient distance from each other. Using those points as centers, inscribe two arcs of the same radius. Draw a straight line on one side of the first line and tangent to both arcs. You now have two parallel lines which will form tw...
inscribe two arcs of the same radius. draw a straight line on one side of the first line and tangent to both arcs. you now have two parallel lines which will form two sides of the parallelogram. draw another straight line through both...
How do I construct a hexagon if I know the side length, but I don't have the diameter of the circle? Community Answer The side length is the radius of the circle. Set your compass to the side length and from the center of the hexagon draw your circle. The circle will inscribe the...