如何 注射胰島素 How to Inject Insulin 移除蓋子 搖搖 10 次 針 移除 柱塞 針筒 或 搓動 20 次 1. 齊集胰島素、胰島素針筒 和酒精棉。 2. 用肥皂和水清洗雙手。 8 單位 3. 使用前先把渾濁的胰島 素輕 輕混和。輕輕前後搖動 瓶子 1 0 次或搓動瓶子 2 0 次。 4. 移除瓶蓋。用酒精棉清潔瓶頂。 5...
ISPN RN学习分享-注射胰岛素How to Inject Insulin Using a Syringe _ Nucleus Health 熟练的应用护理英语和口语交流,才算是真正的国际护士,国内三甲医院医院也越来越注重护士的医学英语,引入的进口仪器英文看…
PowerPoint Presentation - Insulin Pen As Intelligent Insulin DevicePowerPoint演示文稿-胰岛素笔作为智能胰岛素的装置 热度: 如何注射胰島素HowtoInjectInsulin 移除蓋 子 搖10次 針 移除 柱塞 針筒 或搓動20次 1.齊集胰島素、胰島素針筒 和酒精棉。 2.用肥皂和水清洗雙手。
frostlikeobjectstickstothebottlewall.Second,patientsshouldchoosetoinjectintheappropriatebodyarea.Thecommonlyusedinsulininjectionsitesincludetheupperarm,theabdomen,theouterthighs,andthehips.Eachinjectionsitecanbedividedintoanumberofinjectionzones,withaninjectionareaof2cm2.Eachinjectionsite should be ...
Insert the needle into the rubber stopper of the cloudy insulin bottle. Push the plunger down to inject air into the bottle (this allows the insulin to be drawn more easily). Do not withdraw the insulin into the syringe at this time. Take the needle out of the bottle. ...
doi:10.1016/j.eprac.2021.04.538Artem Minalyanprimary author, Abington Jefferson HealthElsevier Inc.Endocrine Practice
Hold the pen with the needle pointing upwards, then gently tap the pen to help bring any air bubbles to the top. Activate the injection by pressing the injection button watching the needle tip for a drop or stream of insulin to appear. If no liquid appears you may need to repeat the pr...
Learn how and where to inject the Saxenda® pen with this video and step-by-step walkthrough to help get patients off to a good start. Read Important Safety and Prescribing Info, including Boxed Warning.
Step 5:Insert the syringe needle into the marker’s nib. Proceed with CAUTION so that you don’t cut yourself by slipping your hand. Step 6:Remove the marker cap and inject all alcohol to your marker via the tip. Step 7:Repeat the steps with the other end of your prismacolor markers....
Learn how to use the non-insulin Ozempic® (semaglutide) pen, including when and where to inject it and how to safely store it. Read Important Safety Information, including Boxed Warning.