如何 注射胰島素 How to Inject Insulin 移除蓋子 搖搖 10 次 針 移除 柱塞 針筒 或 搓動 20 次 1. 齊集胰島素、胰島素針筒 和酒精棉。 2. 用肥皂和水清洗雙手。 8 單位 3. 使用前先把渾濁的胰島 素輕 輕混和。輕輕前後搖動 瓶子 1 0 次或搓動瓶子 2 0 次。 4. 移除瓶蓋。用酒精棉清潔瓶頂。 5...
ISPN RN学习分享-注射胰岛素How to Inject Insulin Using a Syringe _ Nucleus Health 熟练的应用护理英语和口语交流,才算是真正的国际护士,国内三甲医院医院也越来越注重护士的医学英语,引入的进口仪器英文看不懂怎么办? 发布于 2018-05-21 11:41 护士职业发展 ...
permanente注射insulinkaiserinject胰岛素 如何注射胰島素HowtoInjectInsulin移除蓋子搖10次針移除柱塞針筒或搓動20次1.齊集胰島素、胰島素針筒和酒精棉。2.用肥皂和水清洗雙手。8單位3.使用前先把渾濁的胰島素輕輕混和。輕輕前後搖動瓶子10次或搓動瓶子20次。4.移除瓶蓋。用酒精棉清潔瓶頂。5.用針筒抽取與欲注射胰島素...
Take insulin, but don't eat: Rapid-acting and short-acting insulin injections should be taken just before or with meals. Your blood sugar rises after meals. Taking rapid-acting or short-acting insulin without eating could lower your sugar to a dangerous level. Inject insulin in an arm or l...
doi:10.1016/j.eprac.2021.04.538Artem Minalyanprimary author, Abington Jefferson HealthElsevier Inc.Endocrine Practice
Second,patientsshouldchoosetoinjectintheappropriate bodyarea.Thecommonlyusedinsulininjectionsitesinclude theupperarm,theabdomen,theouterthighs,andthehips.Each injectionsitecanbedividedintoanumberofinjectionzones, withaninjectionareaof2cm2.Eachinjectionsiteshouldbe rotatedinsteadofbeinginjectedseveraltimesinaninjection...
Insert the needle into the rubber stopper of the insulin bottle. Push the plunger down to inject air into the bottle (this allows the insulin to be drawn more easily). Leave the needle in the bottle. Turn the bottle and syringe upside-down. Be sure the insulin covers the needle. ...
Learn how to inject Lantus with a Solostar insulin pen or a vial & syringe. See additional information for injection techniques, side effects, dosage, and frequently asked questions. See Important Safety Information.
The outer back of your upper arm where there is a pocket of fatty tissue (this is usually easier if somebody else is injecting the autoinjector for you).To keep your skin from thickening or getting lumpy, try not to inject in the same spot. Instead, rotate injection sites.Do...